Monday, September 30, 2019

Whilst Lady Macbeth

In this essay I am will be analysing how Shakespeare and Duffy present madness in â€Å"Macbeth† and â€Å"Havisham†. Macbeth is a play by William Shakespeare. It starts off with three witches who tell Macbeth that he will become the king. Macbeth kills the king and becomes king. Macbeth is beheaded by Macduff who was born by Caesarean section which was not considered to be born of a woman. The play was set in the Jacobean era. The Jacobean Era refers to the time in English and Scottish history that concurs with the reign of King James VI of Scotland, who also received the crown of England in 1603. Havisham† is a poem written by Carol Ann Duffy. This poem is spoken by Miss Havisham, a character in Dickens’ Great Expectations. Jilted by her scheming fiance, she continues to wear her wedding dress and sit along with the remains of breakfast for the rest of her life, while she plots her revenge on all men. She hates her spinster state – of which her unmarried family name constantly reminds her. In this section, I will tell you the similarities in Lady Macbeth and Miss Havisham. Lady Macbeth and Miss Havisham share some similarities in their madness. For example, Lady Macbeth shouts, â€Å"Out damned spot! Out I say! † This quote indicates that she sense that she is responsible for the murder of the king so she hallucinates and imagines that the king’s blood is still on her. Also Miss Havisham says, â€Å"Beloved sweetheart bastard. † This quote shows that she still cares for him but she also hates him. This Language device that is used is called an oxymoron. Another Similarity is that metaphors are used in both texts. For example, Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"will these hands ne'er be clean? † This quote suggests that she cannot get rid of her guilt like she cannot get rid of the blood on her hands. Miss Havisham says, â€Å"Ropes on the back of my hands†¦ † This quote represents her aging, as well as the years spent ‘wringing her hands’ with emotion, anger and nerves. In this section, I will tell you the differences in Lady Macbeth and Miss Havisham. Lady Macbeth and Miss Havisham also share some differences in their madness. For example, Lady Macbeth deserves her madness whilst Miss Havisham didn’t. You can see this when Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account? † This quote shows that she is feeling anxious about the killing of the king and is afraid that someone might challenge her authority. Whilst Miss Havisham says, â€Å"the dress yellowing, trembling if I open the wardrobe. † This quote indicates that time has passed and that she literally trembles when she looks at the clothes of her past as she was an innocent victim. Another difference is Lady Macbeth’s madness is rooted from her guilt of murder and repentance whilst Miss Havisham’s madness is rooted from revenge and the pain and sorrow she has felt. This can be seen when Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him† This quote shows that Lady Macbeth has become delusional over the sin she has committed and is losing her mind and is going on a psychotic rant. Whilst Miss Havisham says, â€Å"Not a day since then I haven’t wished him dead. This quote shows that Miss Havisham is being tormented by a memento from her wedding dress which reminds her of the betrayal of her fiance. Havisham also uses enjambment to show the feelings of her past are ongoing and is reflected through the use of the run on lines. In my opinion, I think that Miss Havisham deserves more sympathy than Lady Macbeth as Havisham was jilted on her wedding day and I think that having your lover leave you on the most special day of your life can leave you traumatised and upset. I think that Lady Macbeth as an evil lady as she actually decided to kill Duncan when she saw Macbeth’s letter even though Macbeth didn’t decide to kill him and wasn’t ready to do it either. Lady Macbeth deserves to go mad since that is like her own punishment for her crime In conclusion, Shakespeare and Duffy both present madness in Lady Macbeth and Miss Havisham in a number of ways, both similarly and differently. Readers are bound to feel more sympathy for Havisham then they are for Lady Macbeth due to the fact that Havisham is the victim in her story whilst Lady Macbeth is portrayed as the villain. Havisham is seen as the victim because she has been left by her fiance on the day of her wedding and then was left to suffer the rest of her life alone. Lady Macbeth is seen as the villain as she killed King Duncan with absolutely no remorse in her actions whatsoever at the time, she has just shown remorse after falling ill and ranting about the blood from the king being irremovable. It is common psychology that we feel more sympathy for Havisham as she has done no wrong and was betrayed. We view Lady Macbeth as evil as she killed a man out of greed and for her own gain.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Night World : Dark Angel Chapter 11

Angel's voice was taut but calm. (Pick up a pen from the counter. The black one's fine. Now-let go. Just relax and let me move it.) Gillian let go. It was a process she couldn't have described in words if she'd tried. But she watched, with a sort of fascinated horror, as her own hand began to draw on a small white invoice slip. It drew across the lines, in some kind of pattern. Unfortunately the pen seemed to be out of ink, so all Gillian could see was a faint scribble. (Show her the carbon copy.) Gillian peeled off the first sheet of paper. Underneath, in carbon, was her design. It looked like a flower-a dahlia. It was crudely colored in, as if it were meant to be dark. (What is it, Angel?) (A sort of password. Unless you know it, she's not going to let you buy what you need.) Melusine's face had changed. She was looking at Gillian with startled interest. â€Å"Unity,† she said. â€Å"I wondered about you when you came in. You've got the look-but I've never seen you before. Did you just move here?† (Say â€Å"Unity.† It's their greeting. And tell her that you're just passing through.) (Angel-is she a witch? Are there other witches around here? And how come I have to lie-) (She's getting suspicious!) The girl was looking at Gillian rather oddly. Like someone trying to catch a conversation. It scared Gillian. â€Å"Unity. No, I'm just visiting,† she said hastily. â€Å"And,† she added as Angel whispered, â€Å"I need the Dragon's Blood and, um, two wax figures. Female. And do you have any charged Selket powder?† Melusine settled back a little. â€Å"You belong to Circle Midnight.† She said it flatly. (Whaaaat? What's Circle Midnight? And how come she doesn't like me anymore?) (It's a sort of witch organization. Like a club. It's the one that does the kind of spells that you need to do right now.) (Aha. Bad spells, you mean.) (Powerful spells. In your case, necessary spells.) Melusine was scooting her chair behind the counter. For a moment Gillian wondered why she didn't get up, and then, as Melusine reached the edge of the counter, she understood. The chair was a wheelchair and Melusine's right leg was missing from the knee down. It didn't seem to hinder her, though. In a moment, she was scooting back with a couple of packets and a box in her lap. She put the box on the counter and took out two dolls made of dull rose-colored wax. One of the packets held chunks of what looked like dark red chalk, the other a peacock-green powder. She didn't look up as Gillian paid for the items. Gillian felt snubbed. â€Å"Unity,† she said formally, as she put her wallet away and gathered up her purchases. She figured if you said it for hello, you could say it for goodbye. Melusine's dark eyes flashed up at her intently and almost quizzically. Then she said slowly, â€Å"Merry part . . . and merry meet again.† It almost sounded like an invitation. (Well, I'm lost.) (Just say â€Å"Merry part† and get out of here, kid.) Outside, Gillian looked at the town square with new eyes. (The Witches of Woodbridge. So, are they, like, all over here? Do they own the Creamery and the hardware store, too?) (You're closer than you think. But we don't have time to stand around. You've got some spells to cast.) Gillian took one more look around the quiet tree-lined square, feeling herself standing in the bright air with her packages of spell ingredients. Then she shook her head. She turned to the car. Sitting in the middle of her bed with the bedroom door locked, Gillian contemplated her materials. The plastic bags of rock and powder, the dolls, and the hair she'd gathered from the brush in Macon's bathroom last night. Two or three strands of sun blond curls. Three or four long black glossy hairs. â€Å"And you don't need to tell me what they're for,† she said, looking at the air beside her. â€Å"It's voodoo time, huh?† â€Å"Smart girl.† Angel shimmered into being. â€Å"The hair is to personalize the dolls, to link them magically to their human counterparts. You've got to wind a hair around each doll, and name it out loud. Call it Tanya or Kimberlee.† Gillian didn't move. â€Å"Angel, look. When I got that hair, I had no idea why I was doing it. But when I saw those little wax figures-well, then I realized. And the way that girl Melusine looked at me. †¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"She has no idea what you're up against. Forget her.† â€Å"I'm just trying to get things straight, all right?† Hands clasped tightly in her lap, she looked at him. â€Å"I've never wanted to hurt people-well, all right, yes, I have. I've had those-those images or whatever at night, like seeing a giant foot splat down on my geometry teacher. But I don't really want to hurt people.† Angel looked patient. â€Å"Who said you were going to hurt them?† â€Å"Well, what's all this for?† â€Å"It's for whatever you want it to be for. Gillian, dragonfly, all these materials are just aids for a witch's natural powers. They're a way of focusing the power, directing it to a particular purpose. But what actually happens to Tanya and Kim depends on you. You don't have to hurt them. You just have to stop them.† â€Å"I just have to stop them from doing what they're planning to do.† Gillian's mind was already sparking into action. â€Å"And Tanya's planning to write letters. And Kim's planning to spread the word†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"So what if Tanya can't write letters? And if Kimberlee can't talk? It would be sort of†¦ poetic justice.† Angel's face was grave, but his eyes were glinting with mischief. Gillian bit her lip. â€Å"I think it would kill Kim not to talk!† â€Å"Oh, I bet she could live through it.† They were both laughing now. â€Å"So if she had, say, a bad sore throat†¦ and if Tanya's arm were paralyzed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Gillian sobered. â€Å"Not paralyzed.† â€Å"I meant temporarily. Not even temporarily? All right, what about something else that could keep her from typing or holding a pen? How about a bad rash?† â€Å"A rash?† â€Å"Sure. An infection. One she'd have to keep bandaged up so she couldn't use her fingers. That would stop her for a while, until we can think of something else.† â€Å"A rash†¦ Yeah, that could work. That would be good.† Gillian took a quick breath and looked down at her materials. â€Å"Okay, tell me how to do it!† And Angel walked her through the strange process. She wound the dolls with hair and named them aloud. She rubbed them with crumbled Dragon's Blood, the dark red chalky stuff. Then she dabbed the hand of one and the throat of the other with the iridescent green Selket powder. â€Å"Now†¦ may I be given the power of the words of Hecate. It is not I who utter them, it is not I who repeat them; it is Hecate who utters them, it is she who repeats them.† (And who the heck's Hecate?) She sent the thought to Angel wordlessly, in case speaking aloud would ruin the spell. (Be quiet. Now concentrate. Pick up the Tanya doll and think Streptococcus pyogenes. That's a bacteria that'll give her a rash. Picture it in your mind. See the rash on the real Tanya.) There was a certain satisfaction in doing it. Gillian couldn't deny that, even to herself. She pictured Tanya's slim olive-skinned right hand, poised to sign a letter that would destroy David's future. Then she pictured itchy red bumps appearing, another hand scratching. Redness spreading across the skin. More itching. More scratching†¦ (Hey, this is fun!) Then she took care of the Kim doll. When she was finished, she put both dolls in a shoe box and put the shoe box under her bed. Then she stood up, flushed and triumphant. â€Å"It's over? I did it?† â€Å"You did it. You're a full-fledged witch now. Hecate's the Queen of the Witches, incidentally. Their ancient ruler. And she's special to you- you're descended in a direct line from her daughter Hellewise.† â€Å"I am?† Gillian stood a little straighter. She seemed to feel power tingling through her, a sparkling energy, a sense that she could reach out and mold the world. She felt as if she ought to have an aura. â€Å"Really?† â€Å"Your great-grandmother Elspeth was one of the Harmans, the Hearth-Women, the line that came from Hellewise. Elspeth's older sister Edgith became a big witch leader.† How could Gillian have ever thought she was ordinary, less than ordinary? You couldn't argue with facts like these. She was from a line of important witches. She was part of an ancient tradition. She was special. She felt very, very powerful. That night, her father called. He wanted to know if she was okay, and to let her know he loved her. All Gillian wanted to know was whether he'd be home for Christmas. â€Å"Of course I'll be home. I love you.† â€Å"Love you.† But she wasn't happy when she hung up. (Angel, we've got to figure things out. Is there a spell I should do on him?) (I'll think about it.) The next morning she sailed into school cheerfully and looked around for someone who would talk. She spotted the cropped red head of J.Z. the Model and waved hello. â€Å"What's up, J.Z.?† J.Z. turned hazy blue-green eyes on her and fell into step. â€Å"Did you hear about Tanya?† Gillian's heart skipped a beat. â€Å"No,† she said, with perfect truth. â€Å"She's got some awful rash or infection or something. Like poison ivy. They say it's driving her crazy.† As always, J.Z. spoke slowly and with an almost vacant air. But Gillian thought there was a gleam of satisfaction under the blank look. She shot J.Z. a sharp glance. â€Å"Well, that's too bad.† â€Å"Sure is,† J.Z. murmured, smiling absently. â€Å"I sure hope nobody else catches it.† She was hoping to hear something about Kim. But J.Z. just said, â€Å"Well, at least we know David won't.† Then she wandered off. (Angel, that girl doesn't like Tanya.) (A lot of people don't like Tanya.) (It's weird. I used to think being popular meant everybody likes you. Now I think it's more like everybody's afraid not to like you.) (Right. Let them hate you as long as they fear you. But, you see, you've done a public service, putting Tanya out of commission.) In biology class, Gillian found out that Kim was absent and had canceled gymnastics practice for the day. She had something' like strep throat and couldn't even talk. Nobody seemed heartbroken over this, either. (Being popular means everybody's glad when something bad happens to you.) (It's a dog-eat-dog world, kid.) Angel chuckled. Gillian smiled. She had protected David. It gave her a wonderful feeling to be able to protect him, to take care of him. Not that she exactly approved of what he'd done. Buying an English paper and turning it in as your own-that was pretty bad. Not just wrong, but petty somehow. (But I think he was sorry. I think that was maybe one of the things he was saying he wasn't proud of. And maybe there's some way he can make up for it. Like if he wrote another paper and turned it in, and explained to Ms. Renquist. Don't you think, Angel?) (Hm? Oh, sure. Good idea.) (Because sometimes being sorry isn't enough, you know? You've got to do something. Angel? Angel?) (I'm here. Just thinking about your next class. And your powers and things. Did you know there's a spell to bring in money?) (There is? Now, that's really interesting. I mean, I don't care about money money, but I'd really love a car†¦) That night Gillian lay in bed, head propped on pillows, legs curled under a throw, and thought about how lucky she was. Angel seemed to be gone for the moment; she could neither see him nor hear his voice. But it was Angel she was thinking about. He had brought her so much-and he'd brought her himself, which she sometimes thought was the greatest gift of all. What other girl could have two gorgeous guys without being unfaithful to either of them, or making either of them jealous? What other girl could have two great loves at once, without doing wrong? Because that was how she'd come to think of Angel. As a great love. He wasn't a pillar of light to her anymore, or a terrifyingly beautiful apparition with a voice like silver fire. He was almost like an ordinary guy, only impossibly handsome, devastatingly witty, and incidentally supernatural. Since learning she was supernatural herself, Gillian felt he was somehow more accessible. And he understood her. Nobody had ever known her, or could ever know her, the way he did. He knew all her deepest secrets and most carefully hidden fears-and he still loved her. The love was obvious every time he spoke to her, every time he appeared and looked at her with those startling eyes. I'm in love with him, too, Gillian thought. She felt quite calm about it. It was different from the way she loved David. In a way, it was more powerful, because nobody could ever be as close to her as Angel was-but there was no physical aspect to it. Angel was a part of her on a level nothing human could touch. Their relationship was separate from the human world. It was unique. â€Å"Tie me kangaroo down, mate!† A light was appearing beside the bed. â€Å"Where've you been, Australia?† â€Å"Checking on Tanya and Kim the Gym, actually. Tanya's bandaged from shoulder to fingers and she's not thinking about writing anything. Kim's sucking a popsicle and moaning. Inaudibly.† â€Å"Good.† Gillian felt a triumphant glow. Which was wrong, of course; she shouldn't enjoy other people's pain. But she couldn't hide it from Angel-and those girls deserved it. They would be sorry, sorry, sorry they had ever tangled with Gillian Lennox. â€Å"But we've got to work out a more permanent solution,† she said. â€Å"And figure things out about my parents.† â€Å"I'm working on all of it.† Angel was gazing at her with a kind of dreamy intentness. â€Å"What?† â€Å"Nothing. Just looking at you. You look particularly beautiful tonight, which is absurd considering you're wearing flannel pajamas with bears on them.† Gillian felt a quick sweet throb. She looked down. â€Å"These are cats. But the bears are my favorite, actually.† She looked back up and grinned wickedly. â€Å"I'll bet I could start a little bears fashion at school. You can do anything with enough guts.† â€Å"You can do anything, that's for sure. Sweet dreams, beautiful.† â€Å"Silly. Stop it.† Gillian waved a hand at him. But she was still blushing when she lay down and shut her eyes. She felt absurdly happy and complimented. And beautiful. And powerful. And special. â€Å"Hear about Tanya?† Amanda the Cheerleader said at lunch break the next day. She and Gillian were in the girls' bathroom. Gillian eyed herself in the mirror. A touch with the comb†¦ perfect. And maybe a little more lipstick. She was doing the glamour thing today. Dark, mesmerizing eyes and bold, laughing red mouth. Or maybe she should pout instead of laugh. She pursed her lips at herself and said absently, â€Å"Old news.† â€Å"No, I mean the new stuff. She's got complications, apparently.† Gillian stopped applying lipstick. â€Å"What kind of complications?† â€Å"I don't know. Fever, I think. And her whole arm's turning purple.† (Angel? Purple?) (Well, I'd say more mauve myself. Relax, kid. Fever's a natural side effect of a bad rash. Just like poison ivy.) (But-) (Look at Amanda. She's not too upset.) (No, 'cause she probably knows Tanya was messing with her boyfriend. Or she has some other reason not to like her. But, I mean, I don't want Tanya really hurt.) (Don't you? Be honest.) (Well, I mean, not really, really hurt, you know? Medium hurt. That's all.) (I don't think she's going to drop dead this minute.) Angel said it patiently. (Okay. Good.) Gillian felt a little embarrassed for making a big deal-and at the same time she had a fleeting impulse to go check on Tanya herself. But the impulse was easily quashed. Tanya was getting what she deserved. It was only a rash. How bad could that be? Besides, Angel was looking after things. And she trusted Angel. She added the last dab of lipstick and smiled at herself in the mirror. Definitely she was one hot witch. In sixth period, messengers brought candy canes that people had ordered last week from the Vocal Jazz Club. You could send the candy canes, which came with a ribbon and a note, to anyone you wanted. Gillian got a pile so large that everyone laughed, and Seth Pyles ran over and snapped a picture of it for the yearbook. After school David came and rummaged through the pile, looking at the messages and shaking his fist, pretending to be jealous. It was a very good day. â€Å"Happy?† Angel asked that afternoon. David's mother had recruited him for heavy-duty Christmas housecleaning, so Gillian was alone in her bedroom-which meant it was just her and Angel. She was folding socks and humming her favorite carol, â€Å"O Come All Ye Faithful.† â€Å"Can't you tell?† â€Å"Not with all that noise you're making. Are you really happy?† She looked up. â€Å"Of course I am. I mean, except for the stuff with my parents, I'm totally happy.† â€Å"And being popular is all you expected it to be.† â€Å"Well†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Gillian paused in bewilderment. â€Å"It's-it's a little different from what I expected. It's not the be-all and the end-all I'd have thought. But then I'm different from what I thought.† â€Å"You're a witch. And you want more than just candy canes and parties.† She looked at him curiously. â€Å"What are you trying to say? That I should do some more spells?† â€Å"I'm saying that there's more to being a witch than doing spells. I can show you, if you trust me.†

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Philosophy( ethical interview) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Philosophy( ethical interview) - Essay Example She is a humanitarian as well as an environmentalist. She recycles every week and is usually inclined to bring in stray cats and dogs when she spots them along the street. Jenny’s L.P.N. position brings her to the aid of many elderly individuals who are incontinent and unable to manage the basics of personal care. Certain aspects of her job place her in a position of having to change diapers or clean up messes involving bodily fluids. This is a task which would cause even the strongest of stomachs. When asked how she is able to stomach such tasks, she says that she is reminded of her elderly grandparents who require similar levels of care. She recalls how they came from such terrible events in history and yet continued on with their lives disallowing the events of the Holocaust from keeping them from living their lives and from being productive human beings. She is so proud of this legacy, that she gleans a sense of perseverance from their attitude. She also tends to see many of her elderly patients as individuals who have been through most of what life has had to offer; and that those individuals deserve our respect and care. Because of this p hilosophy, Jenny is motivated to care for these elderly patients in a way that honors them in a manner of dignity and respect. Jenny tends to work more with elderly citizens at her hospital position more so than with middle age individuals or children. This is a job that many in the nursing field would rather not do. There is certainly a difference between changing the diaper of an infant and the diaper of an elderly person. Because of her feelings on the elderly and her love and respect of them; she is very enthusiastic about being able to care for them on a day to day basis. She often finds herself having to feed them or assist them with their meals and snacks. This is an opportunity she says, to allow them to open up and talk. Sadly, Jenny says

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Role of Fluency in Comprehension Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Role of Fluency in Comprehension - Essay Example This paper, basically, examines the effects of reading fluency on comprehension. Fluency refers to the ability to read aloud automatically and expressively with understanding (Fountas & Pinnell 62). Fluency is one of the requirements for becoming an excellent reader. Excellent readers are efficient problem solvers, who utilize syntax and meaning as they quickly decode unfamiliar words efficiently. Fluency should, however, not replace the meaning as the main focus of reading (Fountas & Pinnell 64). According to Mrs. Pepper, a speech pathologist in Athens, fluency is the ability to pronounce the words without struggling. She suggests that struggling to call words affects people’s thoughts. The National Reading Panel defines fluency as the ability to read comprehension accurately, quickly, and with proper expression (Fountas & Pinnell 68). The study of fluency among school children became a significant concern, after NRP realized the children were not getting the proper fluency r equired out of them. Limited fluency makes it difficult for the children to understand what they reading. The researchers analyzed two teaching approaches since they had not settled on one. The first approach requires students to read comprehension orally with feedback and guidance (Fountas & Pinnell 65). This includes paired reading, assisted reading, repeated reading, and shared reading. The second approach encourages students to read extensively. This includes programs such as accelerated reader, drops everything and read (DEAR), sustained silent reading (SSR), or any other appropriate incentive program (Fountas & Pinnell 67). The researcher at NRP established that Guided Repeated Reading procedures are efficient enough to improve reading fluency, and general reading achievement. These procedures improve word fluency, recognition and comprehension (Fountas & Pinnell 70). However, the researchers found out that children do not improve their fluency if they are left to read on thei r own. It is also necessary recognize that these programs do not improve reading skills. Fluency is usually analyzed with respect to comprehension. After the Pre-Kindergarten level, children are expected to begin reading independently. As the complexity and volume of reading materials and expectations get wider, children who still have a problem in reading fluency usually have difficult times understanding and handling schoolwork (Fountas & Pinnell 69). Students who cannot read and understand passages lose both the academic and intellectual grounds. The NPR identifies a strong correlation between comprehension and fluency. Fluency frees reference materials to process meaning. Fluency is something that is instantly acquired, and therefore, it is long-term. Classroom activities and strategies like repeated reading can encourage students achieve fluency (Fountas & Pinnell 72). There are various strategies that tutors can use to develop, and improve fluency among their students. For ins tance, teachers and students can do repeated reading in classroom, try readers’ theater in class, and model fluent reading (Fountas & Pinnell 65). Modeling provides approaches through which the teachers demonstrate unfamiliar reading strategy or skill to the students. Teachers are experienced readers, and they do modeling whenever they participate in literacy activities. Pre-Kindergarten students learn from their teachers when they turn pages, hold books, and read from left to right. They also listen to the tonal variation and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Who are the main actors and stakeholders in US-Mexican drug problem Essay

Who are the main actors and stakeholders in US-Mexican drug problem - Essay Example The toll of drug-war related deaths has reached 28,228 since January 2007, as based on data analysed by the University of San-Diego Trans-Border Institute taken from Agencia Reforma news group. It is a war fought with the help of 45,000 soldiers and 5,000 federal forces in 18 states where trafficking groups are trying to get access to the US market for selling drugs as there is total prohibition on the sale of drugs in the US. There has been recurrent flow of arms to the South while cartel-linked crime has been heading towards North (LAT 2010). One of the main stakeholders in the drug trafficking, the US, is not recognising the ill-effects of the war between the illicit stakeholders and the active players, namely the Mexican government, the US government and the press waging a collective war against the traffickers. In stead of rebuking Hillary Clinton on her remarks that violence in Mexico has grown to such proportions as total insurgency, the President Obama should pay urgent attention to the happenings by calling a meeting to discuss the repercussions of increasing violence with the members of his national security team and outside experts (Carpenter 2010). Other actors and stakeholders in the US-Mexican drug problem include the media reporters bravely involved in covering the activities of drug cartels. Drug mafia has waged a counter-war against reporters killing more than 30 journalists since 2006. Working conditions for reporters are not better than they are facing in countries like Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan. Media has been forced there to play the role of a silent spectator by not prominently covering the activities of drug mafia. The intimidation of the media has crossed the limits to the extent that in one of the editorials El Diario, the main newspaper in Ciudad Juarez, the centre of violence in Mexico’s drug war, has sought advice from traffickers on what to publish and what not after the traffickers killed one of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Marketing Plan 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marketing Plan 2 - Essay Example The product that Delicious Food Restaurant will be bringing to the Chinese market would be unique and specific to the Chinese market. The product would include a variety of supplies in the main category of the fast foods. Some of the introductory products could include Chinese Fish Flavor and the Chinese Chicken Flavor. The flavors that the company would adopt include delicious indigenous flavors. The term indigenous would fit perfectly in the trademark description since the products would involve the most important food products to the Chinese culture, which include chicken and fish. The color of the products would vary with the product type. However, most of the flavors would have a golden brown color. In the same way, the shape would vary. For instance, the foods with fish flavors would be prepared with a fish shape so that it would be easier to identify them. Additionally, chicken flavors may be prepared having a shape of a chicken’s wing. Packaging would only be done on a customer’s request. The packaging would include degradable material such as paper packages that have specific identification to the company as the main labeling along with some information concerning other available products. Chinese population has been in a constant rise where the country has above 1 billion people. This population is very promising for the company since the large the population the higher the probability of acquiring a large market once operations commence. Consumer preference shift from the traditional foods is causing an expansion in the fast food market each day. In fact, China is one of the biggest fast food markets globally implying that it presents endless opportunities for the companies venturing into the market. The Chinese fast food market increased in revenues by approximately 13% annually reaching an approximated $94 billion by

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mental Health iIlness (DEMENTIA) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Mental Health iIlness (DEMENTIA) - Essay Example Since impaired neurons are not capable of reproducing or renewing, the changes are irreversible, and any outcomes they produce are often irreversible (p. 118). Generally, it is not possible to halt the progression of the illness, because no cure is available. Hence the condition could affect other nerve cells, slowly but unavoidably resulting in the behavioural disorders and incapacities called ‘dementia’ (Esiri & Trojanowski 2004, 1-2). The outcomes could be illustrated as an organised deterioration of the mind through which the individual becomes more and more helpless, insecure, difficult, unaware, and inadequate. With an aging population that is drastically enlarging, there is the likelihood that dementia will become massively prevalent in the 21st century. Dementia: An Overview Dementia is defined by the World Health Organisation as (Curran & Wattis 2004, 10): A syndrome due to disease of the brain, usually of a chronic or progressive nature, in which there is impai rment of multiple higher cortical functions, including memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension, calculation, learning capacity, language and judgment. Consciousness is not clouded. The cognitive impairments are commonly accompanied, and occasionally preceded, by deterioration in emotional control, social behaviour, or motivation. Hence this illness has implications for the capacity of individuals to deal with facets of their everyday lives to their prior capabilities. Commonplace tasks like taking a bath, dressing, going to work, leisure, and building and maintaining relationships become more and more taxing. If the individual endures dementia for a long time it could become painfully difficult for him/her to perform such tasks by themselves or to communicate or express needs clearly and intelligibly (Judd 2011, 89). The nature of dementia is that it is an accelerating condition; signs become more evident and impinge on the person’s life on a greater extent, sooner or la ter spreading through all parts. Signs and Symptoms Loss of memory is dementia’s most common symptom. There are those who fail to remember the names, or even faces, of people they have been acquainted to for a long time, or lose their way in long known places. There are those who have obsessed or paranoid delusions about the people around them (Esiri & Trojanowski 2004, 3). Numerous have abrupt, unhealthy loss of weight. When such diagnoses do not disable function or ability, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is detected (Esiri & Trojanowski 2004, 3). According to Levine (2006, 29), roughly 20% of individuals with MCI progress to dementia as these cognitive disorders affect everyday activities and function. Psychiatric signs and symptoms (e.g. depression, psychosis) were identified as major features of dementia since 1907. In spite of this finding, emphasis during the earlier decades has usually focused exclusively on memory deficits and other cognitive areas that have been dra wn on to identify dementia’s clinical symptoms (Budson & Kowall 2011, 113). The scientific value and extensive prevalence of other mental disorders in dementia are currently the focus of numerous specialists and researchers. According to some findings, the pervasiveness of neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia is

Monday, September 23, 2019

Human Sexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Human Sexuality - Essay Example This paper attempts to discuss the characteristics of a sexually healthy person. Furthermore, it gives an overview regarding sexual dysfunctions and sexually transmitted diseases. Finally, this paper provides some ways by which we should protect ourselves and maintain good sexual health. A sexually healthy person may be described as someone who derives pleasure and gives pleasure in return when engaging in sexual intercourse with the use of fully functional sex organs. In this regard, someone sexually healthy displays the normal symptoms when he/she gets aroused. For instance, a sexually healthy man gets an erection during foreplay. Meanwhile, his female counterpart gets "wet". A sexually healthy person is defined as such since this signify that one is indeed ready to have sex and actually engage in the act itself without further dilemma. In addition, I believe that there is another dimension to being sexually healthy that involves a person's state of mind. A sexually healthy person is also someone who engages in the myriad methods of sexual intercourse under the condition that his/her overall health and well-being are not placed at risk. For example, a pre-requisite to being sexually healthy entails the use of condom or other means of protection so as not to contract and prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that may impair one's sexual health. Those people with fetish or display unusual sexual behaviors may still be considered sexually healthy so long as they do not jeopardize their general health conditions when engaging in sexual activities. I think that the above is an important definition of a sexually healthy person since being sexually healthy means that we do our best in maintaining our health. It is not enough that we derive pleasure from sex. On top of this, we should strive to keep safe and enhance overall health conditions. Sexual Dysfunction Opposite to being sexually healthy, some people may suffer from a form of sexual dysfunction that inhibits their ability to maximize the pleasure derived from sex. In the case of men, some are unable to "get it up" or get an erection. Others may experience pre-mature ejaculation or when they get orgasm long before their partner does ore even prior to penetration. On the other hand, some may not even reach orgasm regardless of how often and how long they have sex. For women, some may experience pain while having sex due to the lack of lubrication or simply because they are not "wet" enough. In the same way as men, some women may also have difficulty in having orgasm during sexual intercourse. Other women may even be too frigid to even have sex. These are just some of the common sexual dysfunctions experienced by males and females. Given the importance of sex in human beings' lives, it is necessary that these dysfunctions be addressed. These sexual dysfunctions have direct effect on how one could have children and build a family. Moreover, these dysfunctions may have adverse psychological effects on men and women like the loss of self-confidence. Specifically for men, they may be subjected to teasing from their peers. With the prevailing "macho" ideology, male prowess is often indicated by how much men are able to have sex. Being teased about their ability to have sex is a big no-no for men as this would cause a definitely big blow

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Infrastructure of Data Management and Data Mining Capabilities Research Paper

The Infrastructure of Data Management and Data Mining Capabilities - Research Paper Example There are many forms of DBMS (database management systems) which include such company areas as accounting, human resources, and customer support systems. As large organizations generally only needed these types of DBMSs to handle the large amounts of data exchanged and stored, it is now a commonality in many companies, both large and small, and is a fairly standard part of any company's back office system. Data management is an important aspect of the enterprise server management structure. Through proper and structured management of all corporate data, a company can engage in secure and through using both proper data management tools and IT system tools. Data management is comprised of a variety of disciplines and the official definition provided by the DAMA (Data Management Association) is that 'data resource management is the development and execution of architectures, policies, practices, and procedures that properly manage the full data lifecycle needs of an enterprise". As this is an extremely broad definition it generally focuses on a server-side data management and data mining, but within this paper, there is a need to have a broader focus of the end-user data management which will encourage employees to have a central repository for their files.Many times a company will focus on just ensuring the data is secure but fail to engage their employees in training on these data management and data architecture systems. There are two formats for training that will be discussed in Chapter 11 that include an advanced training curriculum for the DBA's (database administrator) to maintain the servers using the necessary IT tools. The se cond format of training is for the average end user in how the architecture works and the new tools that will be used as a central repository for files by using such type of peer-to-peer network tools much like Microsoft SharePoint Services.  

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Ozone Layer and how it effects Earth Essay Example for Free

The Ozone Layer and how it effects Earth Essay The ozone layer is a region of concentration of the ozone (O3) molecule in the Earths atmosphere. The layer sits at an altitude of about 10 to 50 kilometers, with a maximum concentration in the stratosphere at an altitude of approximately 25 kilometers. In recent years, scientists have measured a seasonal thinning of the ozone layer primarily at the South Pole. This phenomenon is being called the ozone hole. The ozone layer naturally shields Earths life from the harmful effects of the suns ultraviolet (UV) radiation. A severe decrease in the concentration of ozone in the ozone layer could lead to the effects of an increase in the incidence of skin cancer (UV radiation can destroy acids in DNA), a large increase in cataracts and sun burning, suppression of immune systems in organism, adverse impact on crops and animals, reduction in the growth of phytoplankton found in the Earths oceans, and cooling of the Earths stratosphere and possibly some surface climate effect. Ozone is created naturally in the stratosphere by the combining of atomic oxygen (O) with molecular oxygen (O2). This process is activated by sunlight. Ozone is destroyed naturally by the absorption of ultraviolet radiation, and by the collision of ozone with other atmospheric atoms and molecules. Since the late 1970s, scientists have discovered that stratospheric ozone amounts over Antarctica in springtime (September November) have decreased by as much as 60 %. Satellite measurements (NIMBUS 7 Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer) have indicated a 3 % decrease in ozone between 65Â ° North 65Â ° South since 1978. A reduction of about 3 % per year has been measured for Antarctica where most of the ozone loss is occurring globally. During the late 1990s, large losses of ozone were recorded above Antarctica year after year in the months of September and August. In some years, spring levels of stratospheric ozone were more than 50 % lower than the levels recorded months prior to the seasonal development of the hole.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Three Behavioral Theories Of Leadership Management Essay

Three Behavioral Theories Of Leadership Management Essay Leadership theories explore how leaders can influence humankind or employees to fulfil mission and vision of organizations. Traditionally, transactional leadership has prevailed throughout the industrial revolution with pay for work process. Although as time passes, leadership theories developed mirror those of quasi-transactional theories of Six Sigma, Total Quality Management, and Kaizen. These theories based on outcomes of production with the spirit of collaboration from employees to increase awareness of each task to promote or negate benefits to the company. Ruggieri (2009) related the leadership style displayed by the leader to the organizations performance and success. Leaders of an organization must anticipate and adapt to change by using the leadership style that fits the current situation. For an organization to grow and be successful in a changing environment, leaders must articulate vision, goals, and objectives and make sound business decisions that will lead the organization to success. In leading organizations to success, Kanter (2000) stated, effective leaders cultivate an environment where openness is encouraged and where collaboration is valued (p. 32). Partnerships both inside and outside the organization enhance the organizations knowledge and reach into the market, and provide greater expertise and experience than if a more closed position perspective were maintained (Kanter, 2000). Effective leaders also draw on the components of different leadership styles behaviors that will provide the best approach or decision based on the situation and environment at hand (Spears, 2004). The succeeding sections discuss three behavioral theories of leadership, which include transformational leadership, transactional leadership, and servant leadership. Transformational Leadership Theory Transformational leadership theory is based on the ability of the leader to provide an atmosphere, which engages their employees and hinged on the concept of spirit, via connectedness. Transformational leadership is the ability to motivate and to encourage intellectual stimulation through inspiration (Avolio, Zhu, Koh, Bhatia, 2004; Dvir, Eden, Avolio, Shamir, 2002). McColl-Kennedy and Anderson (2005) further defined transformational leadership style as guidance through individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, and idealized influence (p. 116). Transformational leadership brings with it a degree of charisma and motivation (Avolio Yammarino, 2002). Transformational leaders can influence and inspire others to succeed and grow. Transformational leaders model the behavior they expect of their employees through transparent information sharing, enthusiasm, and optimism. The leader creative in creating solutions and encourages the employee to do the same. Transformational leaders are risk-takers and encourage others to take risks, too. These leaders encourage growth through advanced education, certifications, and interactions. Bass and Steidlmeier (1999) noted transformational leaders level of involvement had the ability to enhance creativity, innovation, and performance from their teams. Transformational leaders must have the fortitude and adaptability to respond to and learn from both internal and external stimuli of changes within the organizations. Such leaders must proactively mitigate any negative impact on the project, as well ensuring the overall satisfaction of the team members as factors in the projects successful completion and team performance (Ronning, 2004; Sanders et al., 2003). Bass (2000) had widely defended the potential of the transformational leadership to improve the post-modern organizational landscape. According to Bass, transformational leaders raise the awareness of their constituencies about what are essential increase concerns for achievement, self-actualization, and ideals. They inspire followers to go beyond their own self-interests for the good of the group, organization, or community. For Bass, true transformational leadership can be identified by its adherence to the highest levels of moral and ethical standards. Bass (1997) says that leaders are authentically transformational when they raise awareness of what is right, valued, and important; when they help satisfy increase followers needs for success, change; and when they reposition followers to go outside their self-interests for the good of their group or organization. True transformational leadership asks for sacrifice on the part of the follower, but it does not necessarily require that an individuals interests to be swept aside for the good of the organization. The transformational leader strives to achieve a true consensus in aligning personal and organization interests (Bass, 1998, p. 176). Transformational leaders act like moral agents and engage in joint understanding of employees, with the ultimate goal of converting these employees to become leaders themselves (Inkson Moss, 1993). Transformational leaders are most of the time interested in producing quality and quantity results from those they lead, but also attempt to provide an environment in which the individuals own career and personal goals are realized through the organization. In this way, efficiency can be increased, and the entire organization can benefit on the improvement of individuals (Seltzer Bass, 1990). It is the transformational leadership style that offers managers the greatest ability to deal with this rapidly changing workplace (Bass, 2000), especially in a global economy where change is inevitable. Wallace (1993) concluded that complex organizational and environmental factors require the flexibility that transformational leadership style offers because it enables managers to include workers on decisions, and can empower workers to have an increasing level of control over their work performance. Organizations led by transformational leaders usually perform at a believed greater level, with a higher level of employee moral (Bass, 1990). Bryant (2003) claimed that transformational leadership results to motivation and commitment for followers in order to have above average organizational performance. Robbins and Judge (2009) further concluded that transformational leadership is correlated with lower employee turnover, higher productivity, lower stress, and higher employee satisfaction. Transformational leaders are able to enhance their leadership style based on the situation, and transform that style into their subordinates to become innovative and creative in their decision-making process (Chung Chia-Hung, 2009). Transformational leadership is based on the leader-member relationship that fosters a greater degree of trust and mutual understanding expected between the members in maintaining that relationship. Members in a transformational leadership framework cooperate more often with their leaders and gain their leaders full support, confidence, encouragement, and patience, and this in return forms a lasting relation ship bond between the leaders and the employees (Chung Chia-Hung, 2009). Boga and Ensari (2009) stated, traditionally, the magnitude of the organizational leaders influence on the workforce has been tied to his or her leadership style (p. 237). Transformational leaders seeks to influence the interests of their followers in the workplace, accept change as being a part of life, and motivate their followers to pursue the purpose and mission of the organization above their own egocentricities (Boga Ensari, 2009). The transformational leader/follower relationship is viewed as one of shared interests and is comprised of four distinct characteristics (idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration) that are closely related to the approach leaders use (Boga Ensari). Finally, transformational leadership occurs when a leader inspires followers to share a vision and enables those who follow to formulate their own vision for themselves and the organization to achieve a higher level of performance. Transformational leaders allow those they lead a greater degree of self-direction in the decision-making process that allows the leader to be more successful leading the organization to success. Transformational leadership is somewhat similar to servant leadership, but most researchers agree that the transformational leadership style makes better leaders in organizations (Bass, 1990). Transformational leadership, as noted by Bass and Avolio (1993) has four defining principles that included idealized influence, individualized consideration, inspirational motivation, and intellectual stimulation. Idealized influence means the transformational leader works with followers to encourage independence, awareness, and maturation as a means to an end, where followers participate in the mission and vision of the organization. Inspirational motivation means the transformational leader is able to inspire followers with the intent to share in the goals of the organization. Intellectual stimulation means the transformational leader acknowledges his or her followers as talented and encourages input while re-evaluating assumptions for beliefs and values. The leader ignites creativity in followers, which may result in productivity for the organization. Individualized consideration means respecting the uniqueness of each person, while working with him or her to facilitate the maximi zation of potential. Leaders recognize the role and importance of involving followers in the establishment of a healthy organizational culture and climate. These four factors enable leaders to create an environment wherein team members clearly understood the tasks of the project, both holistically as a team and individually. The four factors of transformational leadership enable the leader to create a level of respect felt by members of the entire project. Team members had a proactive level of interest, concern, and inspirational motivation to become actively engaged in multiple levels of effective communication, thereby identifying the impact of each members role in project completion (Bass Avolio, 1993). An effective platform created by transformational leaders induces team cohesiveness on numerous aspects (Ruggieri, 2009). Research has provided evidence that transformational leadership in both traditional face-to-face teams and virtual teams has the components to produce multiple levels of group cohesiveness. Members became empowered to make greater contributions to the team, thus constructing an effective team environment of problem solving and innovative solutions (Jung Sosik, 2002; Ruggieri, 2009). Yardley et al. (2007) also noted transformational leaders encompass the aspect of preparing members of the team to become transformational by increasing their level of participation and satisfaction resulting in increased team performance in creative implementation creative and effective change. The transformational leadership framework has a tendency of creating domino effects in producing and creating potential leaders within multiple levels of an organization (Masood et al., 2006; Yardley et al., 2007). This form of communication and development within traditional collocated teams and virtual teams was indicative to producing effective leadership participation that enhances team performance. Transactional Leadership Transformational leadership gained prominence as the leadership style of the 21st Century. The concept of transformational leadership began to emerge in the late 1980s, particularly in research writings about education. According to Bass (1990), transformational leadership is inspirational leadership style that influences followers to achieve extraordinary performance in a context of large-scale innovation and change. There are times when the concept signified a suitable type of leadership for organizations taking up the challenges of reformatting and reorganizing. Today, this concept is applied in most developed countries worldwide (Leithwood, 1992). Transactional leadership theory often presents a more traditional view of team leaders compelling team members to improve their performance on a reward and reprimand based system (Yardley Nealy, 2007). Transactional leaderships main characteristic is separateness; there is a line between the leader and the follower, with the potential to leave individuals feeling abandoned and in moral poverty (Avolio, Walumbwa, Weber, 2009; Hauser, 2007). A transactional leader uses rewards as a way of managing subordinates behaviors and employs management by exception (Bass, 1985). The transactional leadership theory includes three dimensions. These dimensions include contingent reward, management by exceptionactive and passive leadership (Bass Avolio, 2000). Contingent-reward is the degree to which the leader sets up helpful transactions or exchanges with followers: The leader clarifies expectations and establishes the rewards for meeting these expectations (Judge Piccolo, 2004, p. 755). Management-by-exception is the degree to which managers intervene when issues, problems, or mistakes occur. An active management-by-exception involves leaders who monitor the performance of their subordinates throughout the course of the task or activity. This allows the leader to track whether mistakes happen in line with the completion of the task or activity. A passive management-by-exception on the other hand considers leaders who are unaware of mistakes within their team until his/her subordinates report the issues or the problems that happened. In transactional leaders hip, the leaders appeal to their subordinates self-interest through rewards in order to achieve the teams objectives. In the team setting, leaders who are solely transactional leaders created an environment built upon positive and negative reinforcement (Ruggieri, 2009). The reinforcement came in the form of compliments and awards in money and gifts when milestones reached completion during the life of the project. Transactional leaders used negative reinforcement when team members miss milestones or fail to complete project deadlines, generally in the forms of chastisement, censorship, and in some cases, release from the organization (Ruggieri, 2009). Sanders et al. (2003) indicated most leaders utilizing this leadership style exhibited less confidence in their ability to lead or make an impact within the organization. It is important to express that nearly all leaders in a virtual or in a traditional team environment have utilized the transactional leadership theory as part of decision-making (Ulmer, 2005). The transactional leadership theory is framed around an award-based system, which motivates followers to contribute to the success of the team. Servant Leadership Servant leadership theory suggests that the leader places the good of those led over the self-interest of the leader and promotes the idea of valuing and developing by sharing their power and prestige with those they lead (Greenleaf, 1977). Greenleaf (1970, 1977) introduced theoretical concepts to the body of leadership literature on servant leadership. Greenleaf, who is the founder of the Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership, created the idea of servant leadership after reading Nobel Laureate Herman Hesses (1956) Journey to the East, a story about a spiritual pilgrimage of a band of men on a fairy-tale journey. The term servant leadership may not be familiar to a large number of individuals or corporations, but many organizations have adopted and embraced this concept within their leadership structure. Servant leadership is radically changing how leaders lead and treat subordinates under ones area of responsibility in the organization that creates a caring and understanding atmosphere within the organization (Chung Chia-Hung, 2009). Greenleaf (1970) stated, Caring for other persons is the foundation upon which a decent society is built (p. 54). Transformational leadership and servant leadership have several similar characteristics, but are not quite the same in their approach to leading subordinates. Servant leadership is based on the notion of egalitarianism and assumes that the leader is no better than those led, but considered equal in value (Greenleaf, 1977). Bass (2000), as well as Farling, Stone, and Winston (1999), see parallels between transformational leadership and servant leadership. However, while the theory of transformational leadership says that leaders need such traits as vision, credibility, trust, etc., the theory of servant leadership argues that leaders must place the needs of their followers ahead of their own. Serving and leading at the same time has found to be a constant characteristic of servant leaders. Among the other characteristics that servant leaders have been said to need are: listening, empathy, awareness, healing, persuasion, ability to conceptualize, foresight, stewardship, commitment to growth, and commitment to building community (Spears, 2004). The main feature of this  leadership style is  the servant leader provides resources and support without expecting followers to admit that leading by example is important to them. Instead, this type of leader assumes a servant first position (Smith, Montagno, Kuzmenko, 2004), and expects others to work for the collective good of the company, rather than for the leader as representative of the company. Servant leaders, according to Greenleaf (as cited in Spears, 2005), are not initially motivated to pursue leadership. However, they accept this role in response to the urgings of others, and in response to a perceived need for their expertise and service in such a situation. The servant leader is expected to be knowledgeable regarding his or her role in promoting the organization or groups goals and to ensure that his or her followers are collectively advancing the objectives of the organization or group (Spears, 2005). Servant leadership has taken on a greater importance in recent years not only in corporate and religious organizations, but also in educational institutions (Cozby, 2001). Servant leaders in schools and universities should have a genuine desire to help others, and a shared vision of taking on the role of servant to its student body. Herman and Marlowe (2005) asserted that leaders should be a servant first in order to transition from a classroom environment to a community of caring. Greenleaf (1977) concluded that if someone wants to have true meaning in life, they must first seek out ways to be a servant to others. Servant leadership is viewed as a significant contributor to leadership effectiveness in organizations and institutions. Practitioners have given due attention to servant leadership in recent years because the workplace and business world is more transparent, competitive, global, inclusive and demographically diverse (Bryant, 2003). The concept of servant leadership shares similarities with the concept of transformational leadership, which produces a pre-determined outcome when the leader empowers followers to achieve organizational goals based on their own innovation and creativity. According to Sendjaya and Sarros (2002), a reason for the shortage of research in servant leadership is that the notion of servant as leader may be perceived as a weak leader (p. 41). Servant leaders emphasize developing their followers personal potential and enabling their personal growth and self-interests. Leadership is about relationships, and the principles of servant leadership are the inherent characteristics for the leader to lead by the heart with a greater degree of humility and honesty. Servant-led organizations should be built on a leadership style where  ideas are welcomed and relationships are nurtured. Servant leaders take a different approach from that of traditional leaders who seek to harness and maintain their power base. When a servant leadership culture  has been established at an organization, servant leaders lead by example, and are expected to help those around them achieve their personal and professional goals. Servant leadership does come with some reservations because some employees will try to take advantage of leaders who demonstrate this leadership style and reduce the leaders ability to lead (Spears, 2004), in this instance, servant-leaders are able to overcome this by instilling in workers a sense of the importance of teamwork and shared responsibilities. Peer pressure is remarkably effective in encouraging employees to do the right thing and preventing them from challenging leadership for selfish and personal reasons. Servant leaders have a better chance of preventing such conflicts because they have earned the trust and respect of the followers in the organization (Bass, 1990). Another dilemma in practicing servant leadership is the desire to practice individualism and competiveness that nurtures selfish or ego driven pride in the workplace or institution (Bass 1997, 2002). Organizations with a culture that promotes an authoritarian hierarchy will greatly hinder servant leadership and could be a major cause of organizational decline and failure (Boga Ensari, 2009). Most researchers agree that authoritarian hierarchy and egotism are the evil twins that can inhibit the implementation of servant leadership, and may be two of the reasons why many institutions and organizations exhibit a high level of unethical behavior (Bass, 2000). Servant leadership has not been a leadership trait of recent indoctrinated leadership style just in the case of the U.S. Army as a preferred or recommended leadership style. Bryant (2003) concluded that servant leadership is more concerned with the emotional well being of followers than transformational leadership is. Transformational leaders, on the other hand, do seek to inspire followers not only an intellectual level, but also on an emotional one. That is, they try to maintain a positive attitude regarding the work being performed. Comparison between the Behavioral Theories of Leadership Two of the most popular leadership styles currently discussed by researchers are transformational and transactional leadership styles (Boga Ensari, 2009). Over the last decade, considerable research effort has been invested into understanding the processes through which transformational leadership relates to followers attitudes, behavior, and performance beyond their own self-interest for the good of the group (Bass, 2000). However, apart from these two leadership styles, servant leadership style has also been emerging in fields such as military organizations. Servant leadership theory suggests that the leader places the good of those led over the self-interest of the leader and promotes the idea of valuing and developing by sharing their power and prestige with those they lead (Greenleaf, 1977). A theoretical analysis of transformational and servant leadership theories suggests rival consequences for organizational success on the best leadership style. Transformational leadership is defined as having four separate elements: charismatic leadership/idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration (Bass, 1996). Servant leadership has six different components: valuing people, developing people, building community, displaying authenticity, providing leadership, sharing leadership (Greenleaf 1970; 1977). Transformational leadership and servant leadership in organizational settings has experienced a significant progression in terms of both theory development and empirical research studies (Boga Ensari, 2009). Based on this research, transformational leaders are one of the most important factors in motivating others to meet organizational goals. Researchers agree that leaders must encourage, reward, motivate, and discipline, mostly through their leadership style, and encourage the development of team relationships inside and outside the group (Ruggieri, 2009). Transformational leaders motivate followers to work for inspiring goals that go beyond their immediate self-interests. Thus, more and more companies are moving way from transactional to transformational leadership styles. Yuki (2006) believed that the study of leadership embodies a vast amount of research dominant in military institutions, businesses, and government organizations. While a significant body of literature has been produced concerning military leadership, Campbell and Dardis (2004) and Harris (2002) believed there is little or very limited research exploring the correlation of job satisfaction related to servant leadership attributes in military recruiting organizations. Some scholars agree that transformational leadership and servant leadership are considered the most prominent leadership styles in military and leading business organizations (Seltzer Bass, 1990). Transformational and servant leaders inspire followers to transcend their own needs for the good of the organization that will lead the organization to greater success. Transformational and servant leadership both encourage their followers to be more innovative and creative which creates an environment that breeds success within the organization. Followers are inspired by the leaders personality, which focuses on the collective goals of the company and both types of leadership are focused on the relationship the leader has with their followers. However, Bass (1996) suggests that employees job performance is also positively related to their like or dislike of their supervisor than to their organization. The leadership style displayed in the organization will have a direct affect on the failure or success of the organization, because of the level of commitment the employees binds to the leader of the organization. The way the leaders leadership style is perceived by the followers could influence the leaders power and ability to lead the organization to success. Much of the literature written on leadership style challenges encompasses the difficulties that lie within team collaboration and the empowerment of the individual. Recognizing and identifying the importance of individuality, while maintaining the team approach is a theme echoed throughout much of the written works. Similarly, comprehending the process by which personality traits merge and produce, the studied literature indicates the need for leadership to identify adequately and accurately. Such an example imbedded in Bono and Judge (2004) where they indicate that personality traits are three dimensional in nature. The identification process of personality traits in combination with leadership styles can become a challenge. Bono and Judge write: Personality traits were related to three dimensions of transformational leadershipidealized influenceinspirational motivation (charisma), intellectual stimulation, and individualized considerationand three dimensions of transactional leadershipcontingent reward, management by exceptionactive and passive leadership. Extraversion was the strongest and most consistent correlate of transformational leadership. Although results provided some support for the dispositional basis of transformational leadershipespecially with respect to the charisma dimensiongenerally, weak associations suggested the importance of future research to focus on both narrower personality traits and non-dispositional determinants of transformational and transactional leadership (Bono Judge, 2004, p. XX). Another challenge with leadership styles is explored by Brown and Keeping (2005) , where they concluded that ratings of leadership are highly influenced by the interpersonal affect raters feel towards the target being rated (p. 245). Varma, DeNisi, and Peters (1996) evaluated performance reviews and correlation to how well the person being evaluated likability by the person doing the evaluation. Job approval ratings for the president of the United States correlates to this highly influenced by the interpersonal affect raters feel towards the target being rated in business (Kaiser, Hogan, Craig, 2008). Driskell and Salas (2005) researched the affective response to a leader when there was depressing content and demeanor within an employees performance review. Synthesis Leadership is probably the most studied facet of human behavior (Geoghegan Dulewicz, 2008). Although leadership per se is not often mentioned (as opposed to managerial skills, which are almost universally accepted as important to running a successful organization), the numerous references to vision, communication, building relationships with diverse constituents, motivating members, ability to lead well in a wide range of circumstances reflect the characteristics of agile leadership (Caffey, 2007). Fiedlers (1996) research suggested that leadership styles such as transformational, transactional, and servant leadership styles are effective in all situations; but successful organizations have a combination of leadership styles and managers at each level. Leadership style has been shown to be a significant factor in the effectiveness of the organization, and different leadership styles are more effective than others in different situations. According to Smith, Montagno, and Kuzmenko (2004), both transformational and servant leadership styles function based on charismatic leadership while transactional leadership style is performance-oriented. The leader inspires and directs followers by means of a shared vision and values. To be successful, both the transformational leader and the servant leader need a considerable amount of charisma-the ability to inspire greatness in them and in those they manage or lead (Bass 2000). Likewise, while not all followers are motivated through reward s, transactional leadership provides a target for followers to perform well. Transactional leadership style differs from transformational leadership for various reasons. For the former, the focus is on the exchanges that occur between leaders and their followers. The transactional leader concentrate on maintaining the status quo by satisfying the followers current material needs (Bass, 1990). Transactional leadership is based on the assumption that, by explaining what the leader wants and rewarding appropriate behaviors, the leader directs followers to achieve a desired level of performance. The transformational leaders primary objective is to bring followers up to a position where they can accomplish tasks without immediate supervision (Seltzer Bass, 1990; Shuster, 1994). Einstein (1994) suggested that a transformational leader uses three steps to bring about transformation in leader follower relations. The steps are: (a) diagnosing the leadership situation, (b) transacting the relationship between leader and follower, and (c) transforming follower into an effective employee. These leaders listen to their followers and share their individual concerns as they help to build their confidence. The best leadership is said to be both transformational and transactional. Transformational leadership augments the effectiveness of transactional leadership; it does not replace transactional leadership (Bass, Walsman, Yammarino, 1990). The opportunities this combined style fails to address would be those who fall between both leadership styles. This is why it makes sense as an effective leader to understand the various leadership styles and be able to employ them as needed as one tends toward the transformational leadership style.  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 19, 2019

How to Write an Essay :: Free Essay Writer

How to Write an Essay An essay can have many purposes, but the basic structure is the same no matter what. When writing an essay to it may be to argue for a particular point of view or to explain the steps necessary to complete a task. Some of the steps necessary to take in order to accomplish a better essay are by supporting the thesis. For example, that would be brainstorming and organizing information has to be used in order to begin. Secondly support the thesis in the body paragraphs. Lastly when finished revise and edit by adding material. Either way, essays will have the same basic format. If following a few simple steps, an essay almost writes itself. Supplying ideas for the essay are the important part of the essay anyway. When preparing to write an essay brainstorming for ideas that support your thesis statement is one of the few simple steps to follow in order to start the essay. Whether brainstorming on a piece of paper or a few pieces of papers narrow all brainstorming down by restating what is written down or just restate what you have written down to make it sound better. Organize the ideas into an outline, keeping in mind the method or methods of paragraph development (details, examples, reasons, cause and effect, comparison/contrast). Using an outline, begin a rough draft. Make sure that every sentence is directly related to the assigned topic (as stated in your thesis statement). Again, do not stray off the topic! When writing an essay support for the thesis will appear in the body of the essay, which is the "illustrating" part of the paper. In the body, it is very important to show facts about what is going on in the essay and what point wants to be crossed. To do this examples are going to be needed. Being as specific as possible is one of the main things. Give several carefully chosen examples; provide very detailed accounts of them. If the examples are well described, it will be clear to the reader that the writer has excellent reason. When finished with the rough copy, revise and edit it by adding, deleting, rearranging, and substituting material (use a dictionary and a thesaurus). First read the essay over slowly to yourself (or even aloud) and catch any mistakes seen. As well, correct errors in spelling (use the spell-checking feature in word processing program), capitalization, punctuation, subject-verb agreement, verb tense consistency, pronoun agreement, sentence errors, and usage.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Students Comments on the United States Marine Corps Website :: Sell Websites Buy Web Sites

A Student's Comments on the United States Marine Corps Website The ritual of Marine boot camp can be found at the website titled United States Marine Corps. This is a website devoted obviously to the United States Marine Corps. It is the official recruitment and information site of the Marines and is directed toward those who are interested in the military organization and would like more information. The site begins with a small movie introduction and then is organized into three categories that are under the titles â€Å"those who are warriors†, â€Å"those who are driven†, and â€Å"those who belong†. These categories go in depth about the history and beliefs held by the Marines. It also shows the hard work and aspects of boot camp in Parris Island, South Carolina. This web site is considered a credible reference. It has been developed by the United States corps">Marine Corps military organization. The credentials are based on the background of the U.S. Marines and the U.S. government. There is not apparent documentation on the web site stating the latest updates and the history of past updates; however, there is a copyright on the site for year 2003 made to the U.S. Marine Corps. The information, since made by the U.S. Marines, is accurate and verifiable with the government and the U.S. Marines. There is complete coverage of the topic of becoming a part of the Marines and it is straightforward on its bias to promote the Marines’ military defense in favor of others. The fulfilled criteria prove that the site is credible to use for research. For a website to be appropriately used in a research paper, the site must be organized to easily access information that is needed on the site. On the site United States Marine Corps, the topics are arranged in categories and then sub categories that relate to the larger category. It is easy to read through the options available on the side navigation bar and by scrolling over pictures for links about the U.S. Marines within the website. There is also a HTML version of the website in the case flash movies cannot be seen on the computer the audience is on.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tyranny in Shakespeares Macbeth Essay -- Macbeth essays

Tyranny in Shakespeare's Macbeth   Ã‚  Ã‚   All humanity is tyrannical.  Every person wants the world to conform to their wishes.  A product of the ego, this desire culminates in tyranny among those that have the arrogance, opportunity, and instability to embrace and foster it.  We find Macbeth with the opportunity, and his arrogance and instability are bred by ego and contranatural forces, such that he becomes a tyrant.   Duncan's soft handed rule allows Macbeth the opportunity to plot against him while his proclamation of Malcom as the heir to his throne provides motive, a wounded ego.   Lady Macbeth and the witches, whether they be contranatural forces or perverted minds, prod him into action, exacerbating his tyrannical leanings, and sway the inner conflict which eventually develops.   Macbeth's rise to tyranny and his hold on it are products of his ego, provoked by inner conflict and those around him, and as such are opposed to the natural order which strives for balance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tyranny is not something easily obtainable.   By it's nature, it cannot be.   The rule of one must be a complicated task simply because it requires the subjugation of all others.   At first, Macbeth feigns indifference, claiming that "If Chance will have me King, why, Chance may crown me, without my stir,"1 and "I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more, is none."2   There is an inner conflict inside Macbeth, a sign of his weak character, which outwardly questions the morality of his actions, but more truthfully questions the probability of success.   He is not at all concerned with whether what he is doing is right, he only cares about whether he will succeed.   Finally, his strength comes to him, when "Nature seems dead, and w... ...eclaims the power that Macbeth has usurped.   Each force that played a part in his accession played an equal part in his downfall.   Self, wife, and witch together toppled Macbeth as they proved poor opponents for the force of Nature.   The offensive tyrant is banished, and Nature returns what is rightfully his to Malcom. Work Cited Shakespeare, William.   Tragedy of Macbeth . Ed. Barbara Mowat and Paul  Ã‚  arstine. New York: Washington Press, 1992.  Ã‚  Ã‚   1Act I. Sc. III. Ln. 142-4 2Act I.Sc. VII. Ln. 46-7 3Act II. Sc. I. Ln. 50-1 4Act I. Sc. VII. Ln. 27 5Act I. Sc. VII. Ln. 12 6Act I. Sc. V. Ln. 40-6 7Act V. Sc. I. Ln. 68-9 8Act V. Sc. I. Ln. 9 9Act III. Sc. I. Ln. 60, 65 10Act IV. Sc. I. Ln. 50, 104-5 11Act I. Sc. V. Ln. 1-3 12Act II. Sc. III. Ln. 58-9 13Act II. Sc. IV. Ln. 9-10 14Act II. Sc. II. Ln 60-2

Monday, September 16, 2019

Advertising encourages a desire for products which people do not actually need

They are everywhere. Banners, billboards, Internet Websites, newspapers, radio spots, television commercials, magazines, logos on clothing, cars and even cutlery. Advertising has so permeated everyday life that at last count, individuals can expect to be bombarded by approximately 1200 messages everyday, telling them what to eat, wear, do and believe in. The ubiquity of advertising is a phenomenon of our modern world akin to and sometimes elevated to an art form, a consequence of the much touted ethos of free trade and capitalistic consumerism. But not all are lured by the siren song of the commercial jingle.Cynics lambast advertisers for convincing people to spend money they do not have, for something that they do not need. Malcolm Muggeridge, prominent British journalist and thinker direfully prophesied that history will remember advertising as â€Å"one of the evils of our time†, wrongfully stimulating people to â€Å"constantly want things, want this, want that†. Cr itics like John Arbuthnot Fischer see the corrupt connection between society’s deteriorating values and the hidden agenda that advertising subtly (or not so subtly) champions: that youth equals popularity, popularity equals success, success equals happiness.How does advertising weave such a hypnotic influence? The ultimate objective of advertising is to sell products, services and ideas persuasively and creatively. To that end, advertisers and copy writers resort to all manner of strategy to arrest the attention of consumers long enough to create awareness and perhaps, even desire for the product, service or idea. The variety of methods to entice both existing and potential clientele range from the obvious to the subtle, from the staid to the subliminal (incidentally outlawed in many countries).Whatever the methods used, professional advertisers all agree that good advertising is not just about circulating information; it is about penetrating the public mind with desires and belief. In fact, advertising guru Leo Burnett once said that the secret of effective and original commercials is not the creation of new and tricky words and pictures, but one of putting familiar words and pictures into new relationships. Such perception altering strategies are what may induce consumers to desire and eventually buy the superfluous and the frivolous.Consider for instance De Beers diamonds. Before its advertisements for diamonds were launched, the gemstone was merely another sparkling jewel, fit for royalty, not so much for the commoners. By equating diamonds with love, De Beers successfully created a hitherto non-existent appetite for the stones (albeit really lovely ones). If a girl does not get a diamond engagement ring, the husband-to-be had better be prepared for trouble. Take a closer look also at the latest range of Louis Vuitton advertisements which capitalize on big-name appeal.The very public figures of Mikhail Gorbachev (former premier of the Russia, no les s), Sean Connery (of James Bond 007 fame), even queen of pop and controversy Madonna, who have fronted these advertisements convey more than just a sense of the luxury that the brand is famous for. These iconic figures, exuding power, history and a touch of legend, are whom a successful generation has grown up with and therefore feel a connection. You may not need a Louis Vuitton bag, but being able to buy one becomes a subtle statement that you have arrived, putting you in the same league as the celebrities who endorse the brand.Yet, while it is true that advertising can generate awareness of people’s desire of things that they now know to exist, it is equally true that advertising cannot create a need that did not previously exist. Jeff I Richards points out that advertising will only die when â€Å"people everywhere are satisfied with their weight, their hair, their skin, their wardrobes and their aroma†. Certainly, advertising brings to the fore feelings of inadequ acy, lack and perhaps deep underlying insecurities that may be alleviated to some extent via purchasing a product or service.Scarcity is the fear that you may miss an opportunity to purchase a product. Thus â€Å"one day sales† and phrases such as, â€Å"for a limited time only† or â€Å"limited supply† are commonly employed to increase sales and promote the idea that you can supply a lack. Advertisements about health often capitalise on fear to get the audiences’ attention. Once this is accomplished they hope to â€Å"scare† the audience enough to produce an attitude change, be it buying their product or changing your lifestyle.Alcohol and cigarette advertisements appeal to peoples’ desires for pleasure Models and actors are portrayed as having a good time, leading to the belief that if you purchase these products you too will have a good time. Of course, many advertisements employ more than one technique in attempting to persuade the audie nce. Plastic surgery ads, for instance, work well by appealing to people's love of beauty via exposing their fear of aging as well as their vanity and egotism.Fear, love, pleasure, and vanity are thus powerful motivators of behaviour that can supposedly be eradicated or fulfilled through some product, service or action, at least in the mind of the consumer. Without them, advertising messages are simply messages. Moreover, while it is true that some deep-seated desires rule human nature and behaviour, almost everyone exercises a choice as to when and how such desires are met. To some extent, the consciousness-raising power of advertisements puts the onus of action on the consumer and provides some options for exercising that initiative.Yet, advertisements cannot make one do anything that one is not willing or able to undertake in the first place. Campaigns and posters (a type of advertising) warning against the evils of smoking are visibly mounted, but have not really produced a sign ificant reduction in the numbers of smokers in Singapore despite the fact that cigarette advertising is banned here! Health promotion advisories across the world promote healthy eating plans and options, but that does not stop one from chomping on that artery-clogging hamburger or carcinogenic char kway teow.In fact, not all advertising is focused on inducing consumers to purchase the unnecessary. To believe that would be to limit the many useful functions it fulfils. There are genuine needs that require the consciousness-raising and educational function of advertising to fulfil. Look at the countless advertisements for domestic, office and personal needs. Consider also the innovations that advertising brings to one’s awareness. Take into account that advertisements can serve as reminders to consumers, particularly when a consumer has a specific need or desire that can be associated with a product or service.At the end of the day, what must be remembered is that in a free-mar ket society where a plethora of goods and services is available, consumers ultimately exercise the responsibility that accompanies the freedom of choice. Advertisers will continue to market their wares strategically, but consumers are not helpless victims held enthralled in a life-or-death struggle. If they were, advertisers would not have to wrack their brains to conjure up creative ways to entice customers. To think otherwise is to sorely underestimate the strength of the human mind and spirit.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Approaches to Management and Organizational Behaviour

205KM Management and Organizational Behaviour Report 1 Title: Approaches to Management and Organizational Behaviour: Pizza Hut and McDonald’s (Fill in the Name of Company A) (Fill in the Name of Company B) Student Name: HSU Ka Syn Syrus Student ID: 51878875 Tutorial Group: 2 Table of Contents Page Num 1. Objectives| 9| 2. Business Background| 9| 3. Organization Structure and Design3. 1 Organization Structure of Company A3. 2 Organization Structure of Company B3. 3 Compare the Similarities and Differences of Organization Structure between Company A & B| 10101214| 4.Approaches to Management & Organizational Behaviour| 15| 4. 1 Motivation| 15| 4. 2 Leadership| 16| 4. 3 Human Resource Management| 18| 4. 4 Culture & Diversity| 20| 4. 5 Information Technology| 22| 4. 6 Communication| 22| 5. Conclusion| 23| 6. References| 24| 1. Objective The purpose of this report is to find out the differences in the organization structures and approaches in management and organizational behaviour of two local restaurants, Pizza Hut Hong Kong and McDonalds Hong Kong.Besides, the report is to find out the information of the restaurants through identifying and analyzing the following: motivation, leadership, human resource management, culture and diversity, information technology, communication. 2. Business Background Business background of Pizza Hut: Pizza Hut, Inc. is an American  restaurant  chain and international  franchise  that offers different styles of  pizza along with  side dishes. Pizza Hut is a subsidiary of  Yum! Brands, Inc. , the world's largest restaurant company.According to the corporate website, there are more than 11,600 store locations in 94 other countries and territories around the world. About their history, the legacy of Pizza Hut began in 1958, when two college students from Wichita, Kansas, were approached by a family friend with the idea of opening a pizza parlor. Although the concept was relatively new to many Americans at that time, the two brothers quickly saw the potential of this new enterprise. After borrowing $600 from their mother, they purchased some second-hand equipment and rented a small building on a busy intersection in their hometown.The result of their entrepreneurial efforts was the first Pizza Hut restaurant and the foundation for what would become the largest and most successful pizza restaurant chain in the world. Hong Kong Pizza Hut provides dine-in, takeout and delivery service. At present, there are over 80 stores in Hong Kong and Macau. In recent years, McDonald’s has invaded the delivery food service market, so Pizza Hut’s market share has also been thinned. This is Pizza Hut Hong Kong was facing the challenge. Business background of About McDonalds:McDonalds Corporation is the world's largest chain of  hamburger  fast food restaurants, serving in 119 countries and more than 30,000 restaurants. From a neighborhood restaurant established in Des Plaines, Illinois in 1955 t o today, more than 30,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries worldwide, McDonald's is the largest quick service restaurant organization in the world. McDonald's recognized that to be successful, it would have to be flexible and adapt to societal changes. In 1975, McDonald's opened its first drive-thruTM window in Sierra Vista, Arizona to accommodate a more mobile society.The company realized there was a need for a fast, quality morning meal and in 1973, the Egg McMuffinTM  was introduced. In Hong Kong, there are over 200 McDonald's restaurants, and more than 10,000 McDonald's staff. In few years, Hong Kong McDonald launched delivery service, officially invaded the delivery food service market. Although McDonald Hong Kong had a lot of charity work, moreover they established of the Ronald McDonald Houses, McDonald prominence has also made it a frequent topic of public debates about  obesity, corporate ethics and  consumer  responsibility. 3 Organization Structure and Desig n 4. Organization Structure of Pizza Hut Figure1. Hierarchy Division of Pizza Hut: Supervisor: A  supervisor is a team leader in a position of trust  in business. He / She always are an assistant to Manager. They have possession of part of the manager power, such as the allocation of the daily workflow, and void order of power. Restaurant General Manager: Restaurant General Manager is responsible for all problem of the restaurant. Not just manage all employees, but also they need to manage restaurant facilitates and service quality etc. In addition, they need to set daily sales target to fulfill organization goal.Operations Manager: They responsible for ensure that business needs to use as few resources as possible to meet customer requirements efficiently and effectively. Moreover, they need to establish operation policy to all operations department staff, included all restaurants manager. Chief executive officer: is the highest-ranking  corporate officer  (executive) or  administrator  in charge of total  management  of an  organization. An individual appointed as a CEO of a  corporation,  company,  organization, or  agency  typically reports to the  board of directors. At present, Hong Kong Pizza Hut chief executive officer is Henry Yip.Figure2. Functional Division of Pizza Hut: Finance department: Finance department is often simply defined as money management or the management of the fund. The major objectives of corporate finance are maximizing shareholder value. Marketing department: Commercial marketing  of individuals or organizations,  including  commercial enterprises,  governments and institutions  to  promote their  products or services sold  to other companies or  organizations,  in turn, resell  their practice,  and  use them as  components  in their  products or services, or use them to  support  their actions. . 2 Organization Structure of McDonald Figure3. Hierarchy Division of USA Headquarter McDonalds: Figure4. Hierarchy Division of Hong Kong McDonalds: Trainer: Trainer in McDonalds not the same in supervisor, they are same in senior staff to be an assistant to support Supervisor. Team Leader: Team Leader in McDonalds is the same in supervisor. Crew: Crew in McDonalds response for differences work in restaurant, it included Kitchen, cleaning, cashier, customer service representative and first line quality control. Figure5. Area division: Figure6.Functional Division of McDonalds: Human Resources Management Department: Human Resource Management is  an organization  of  employees  or  the management of human resources. This  attractive,  is  responsible for staffs election, training, appraisal,  rewards,  and  is also responsible for  organizational leadership and  culture,  and to ensure that  employment and  labor law. Held  in the employee's  wishes and  legally authorized  collective bargaining agreement, human re sources  usually  also  will serve as  the company's principal  liaison  with staff representativesPurchasing Department: Purchasing refers to the business or organization to attempt to obtain good or services, in order to achieve business goals. Although there are several organizations trying to set standards in the purchasing process, the difference between the processes organizations. 4. 3 Compare the Similarities and Differences of Organization Structure between Pizza Hut and McDonald’s Similarities of Organization Structure between Pizza Hut and McDonalds: Pizza Hut and McDonalds are the same using the Functional Division and Hierarchy Division.The relationship between the function is the position of the specialist, and other areas. In general, specialist will have the authority to adhere to the line manager, to achieve any of their instructions. In many large and global companies are always using Functional and hierarchy division to descript their company st ructure. In addition, these structures can make employee clear their job opportunities. Similarities of Organization Structure between Pizza Hut and McDonalds: Although the two companies are well-known company in the world, But in Hong Kong’s business size are different.Pizza Hut owned by Yum! Brands, Inc, but the business in Hong Kong is operated Franchise by Jardine Matheson. Region on district administration is relatively simple, because of only china regional business. On the other hand, Hong Kong McDonalds is not operated franchise of the way. Hong Kong McDonalds business was monitored by the management of the Asia (Figure5. ). Asia McDonalds Managed by the U. S Headquarters of non-Franchise operating worldwide business. So the difference of these companies is Hong Kong McDonalds was implemented area division models for global company structure. 4Approaches to Management ; Organizational Behavior 5. 4 Motivation Motivation is the degree to which an individual wants and c hooses to engage in certain specific behavior. People’s behavior is determined by what motivates them. Their performance is a product of both ability level and motivation. Therefore, the two companies are using the extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation methods motivate employees. In the past, McDonalds had to hire employees with too low salaries, so that McDonalds scolded by social. On the contrary, Pizza Hut’s hourly rate is high within the food service industry.Since Hong Kong Government has implemented a minimum wage, McDonalds has also begun to focus on the welfare of the employees. Pizza Hut was using two motivation methods: extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation to motivate employees. For the extrinsic motivation, Pizza Hut’s crew salary increased to HK$ 28 from HK$ 21 (After the implement of minimum wage). Moreover, Pizza Hut’s salaries included restaurant Tips, Tips depend on customers given to restaurant and divide by the total number of empl oyees of the restaurant. Not just salary, but also Pizza Hut given bonus to all full time employees per year.And then, Pizza Hut established the outstanding staff award to motivate employee. About the award recommended by the restaurant manager, the winner will have HK$ 300 bonus. In addition, according to Hong Kong’s legal, Pizza Hut also provided Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) to employee. Lastly, Pizza Hut provided differences fringe benefits for employees, included Medical benefit, insurance discount, and 20% off staff discount. Staff discount not just included pizza hut, but also is included all related Jardine Matheson subsidiary companies, for example: Maxim's Caterers Limited and Wellcome.For the intrinsic motivation, Pizza Hut will be timing implementation of the job rotation method to training staff. Employees not just learn their basic work, but also they have the opportunities to learn cashier or kitchen. Finally, staff can study the distribution of work managemen t to support supervisor. Give rise to sense of challenge, receiving appreciation and positive recognition. Moreover, the employee begin to work, supervisor will report the company’s new information to staff, and the daily sales targets.In addition supervisor will be highly praised the staff for good performance at the briefing. McDonalds was the same using two motivation methods: extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation to motivate employees. For the extrinsic motivation, McDonalds’s crew salary increased to HK$ 28 from HK$ 19 (After the implement of minimum wage). Moreover, the salaries included Profit sharing and restaurant cash incentive, like pizza hut tips bonus. And then, McDonalds established the outstanding staff award to motivate employee too. In addition, according to Hong Kong’s legal, McDonalds provided MPF to employee.Lastly, McDonalds provided differences fringe benefits for employees, included Group Term Life, Group Medical Insurance, Group D ental Plan, Education Sponsorship Program, and Professional Management Training both locally. About fringe benefits, McDonalds better than Pizza Hut. For the intrinsic motivation, McDonalds was the same in pizza hut intrinsic. In Fact, all of the food service industry company is using these methods to rise to sense of challenge, receiving appreciation and positive recognition etc. 5. 5 Leadership Hierarchy Division of Pizza Hut:Hierarchy Division of McDonalds: 5. 6 Human Resource Management Human Resource Management is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization’s most valued assets – the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objective of the business. The Human Resources Management Process: For the McDonalds in people philosophy, they have a specific people vision â€Å"To be the best employer in each community around the World. † Being the best means â€Å"opportunities, traini ng and development; satisfaction, rewards and recognition†.Moreover, McDonalds make a promise to their employee. To all their present and future employees, McDonalds’d like you to know that there are committed. â€Å"We value you, your growth and your contributions. On the other hand, McDonalds have in place 5 people principles to reflect McDonald’s values and commitment to their people. It includes: (1) Respect and recognition (2) Values and Leadership behaviors (3) competitive pay and benefits (4) Learning, development and personal growth (5) Resources to get the job done. About the human resources management, McDonalds focus on every employee more than Pizza Hut.Recruitment: Pizza Hut and McDonalds are using these methods to attracting applicants. Internet-based Advertisement / Print-ad in Magazines or newspaper / Employee Referrals / Applicant Initiated / Job Fairs / Employment Agencies Selection: The process of screening job applicants to ensure that the mo st appropriate candidates are hired Pizza Hut and McDonalds are use differences types of selection Devices. Pizza Hut: Application form -> interview (restaurant manager) -> Reference checks McDonalds: Application form nd Questionnaire -> interview (restaurant manager) -> Reference checks Orientation: New employee orientation effectively integrates the new employee into your organization and assists with retention, motivation, job satisfaction, and quickly enabling each individual to become contributing members of the work team. Pizza Hut and McDonalds: Introduction (Rules, Policy, Organizational Structure and Company information) and a tour of the workplace Training: A basic operation in the work of the manager is to develop people and to direct, encourage and train employee.Those companies are using these methods to improve the availability, quality and skills of staff. Pizza Hut and McDonalds are using e-Leaning of job description, establish Lesson for differences hierarchy level, such as crew need to study customer service standard, how to handling complain; senior need to study how to contribute work to another colleague; Manager need to study manage in restaurant etc. Performance management: Approach to developing the capabilities of employees Pizza Hut and McDonalds in addition will be kept by the supervisor to practice role play training to subordinate.Moreover, the two companies will also hire external Mystery consumer companies to measure restaurant can achieve the setting of customer service standards, developed training plan or to enhance the training program based on test scores. Another will be conducted annually upward appraisal, Managers are appraised by their staff. 5. 7 Culture & Diversity Organizational Culture between Pizza Hut and McDonalds: Organizational culture  is the collective behaviour of people that are part of an organization, it is also formed by the organization values, visions, norms, working language, systems, and symbols, it includes beliefs and abits.Strong culture can create a stronger employee commitment to the organization. As the result, every organization must have their differences organizational culture. For the Pizza Hut, the mission statement is â€Å"With Customer Mania corporate culture, we ensure every dining occasion is a delightful experience. We promise† and the vision are to be the Leading Casual Dining Restaurant in Hong Kong and Macau – bringing our customers enjoyable yet affordable European cuisine by capitalizing on our brand equity and to be the No. 1 Pizza Delivery Provider offering world class pizza delicacies always hot and on time.Slogan of Pizza Hut: â€Å"With Customer Mania corporate culture, we ensure every dining occasion is a delightful experience. † In order to fulfill its mission, Pizza Hut has develop some unique, policies, principles, rules, processes and procedures, the sum total of which from the Pizza Hut culture: (1) Open door Policy: Manage rs doors are open to employees at all levels, because the manager dose not just do all about manage restaurant. During the peak hours, manager will work with general staff together. Therefore, manager can easier to listen to the voice from the employee. 2) Role culture – Bureaucratic control: roles and job description is most essential than the individual and position is the main source of power, control by procedures and rules, coordinated by a few senior managers.On the Pizza Hut, everything always have their standard for staff to fulfill, such as food quality standard, dress and grooming standard etc. If their staff cannot meet the standard, they will blame by the manager. (3) Ethical Culture: Pizza Hut has a very powerful and positive influence on employee behavior, focus on means as well as outcomes. 4) Customer Responsive Culture: Since Pizza Hut is very focus on increase customer satisfaction. They hiring the type of employees, for example ones with a more interest are helpful and friendly personality to serving customer. Having great listen skills to have ability to listen to and understand messages sent by the customer. Providing role clarity to employees to reduce ambiguity and conflict and increase job satisfaction. Having conscientious, caring employees willing to take initiative even outside their normal job duties For the McDonalds, the mission and values statement is to be our customers' favorite place and way to eat.Our worldwide operations are aligned around a global strategy called the Plan to Win, which center on an exceptional customer experience – People, Products, Place, Price and Promotion. We are committed to continuously improving our operations and enhancing our customers' experience. In order to fulfill its mission, Pizza Hut has develop some unique, policies, principles, rules, processes and procedures, the sum total of which from the McDonalds culture: (1) Customer Responsive Culture: McDonalds same with Pizza Hut, th ey are focus on increase customer satisfaction.They hiring the type of employees, for example ones with a more interest are helpful and friendly personality to serving customer. Having great listen skills to have ability to listen to and understand messages sent by the customer. Providing role clarity to employees to reduce ambiguity and conflict and increase job satisfaction. Having conscientious, caring employees willing to take initiative even outside their normal job duties (2) Workplace spirituality: Recognize that their employees have an inner life, moisturize and nourish meaningful work, a place within the community.Since McDonalds focus on charity work, such as established Donald McDonald house Charities to offering a supportive environment, parents are able to care for their sick children during an incredibly stressful time. In addition, McDonalds often motivate employee to participate more about charity work. (3) People Orientation: Degree to which management decisions tak e into account the effects on people in the organization. Organizational Diversity between Pizza Hut and McDonalds: Managing diversity accepts that the workforce consists of a diverse population of people.The diversity consists of visible and non-visible differences which will include sex, age, background, race, disability personality and work style. It is founded on the premise that harnessing these differences will create a productive environment in which everybody feels valued, where their talents are being fully utilized, and in which organizational goals are met. According to the Hong Kong legal’s on eliminating age discrimination in employment, employers have the prime responsibility for encouraging equal employment opportunities and for eliminating discrimination in the workplace, so Pizza Hut and McDonalds are also comply with the law.Employees are Pizza Hut and McDonald’s greatest asset. But two companies have their own organizational diversity. For the pizza hut, there are more than 4,000 people, since pizza hut focus on customer satisfaction and customer service quality than McDonalds, so that Pizza Hut dose not employs any persons with intellectual disabilities in secretly. Contrary, McDonalds hire people not because of the people physical abilities and quality. For example, McDonalds staff Wong Man Yu awarded â€Å"Outstanding Disabled Employees Awards† by the Labour Department in 2006.It reflect McDonalds support their employees have any physical problem. 5. 8 Information Technology Information Technology is the use of computers and software to manage information. In some companies, this is referred to as Management Information Services (or MIS) or simply as Information Services (or IS). The information technology department of a large company would be responsible for storing information, protecting information, processing the information, transmitting the information as necessary, and later retrieving information as necessar y.Nowadays, many organizations are using information technology to increase work efficiency and effectiveness. Since information technology can increase business performance, better decision making based on information and greater accessibility to coworkers. So that, Pizza Hut and McDonalds are use many information technology to support their business: (1) Information Systems: accounting information system to record or calculate all about sales, salaries etc†¦ inventory system to monitor store inventory and though internet to purchase daily restaurants needs.Point of sales systems. Office automation systems, transaction processing systems, distribution systems, etc. (2) Electronic Commerce System: this part is very important in business, they’re use to selling, delivering, servicing and paying for products and services using internet. For the payment, Pizza Hut using credit card reader and Visa Pay wave; McDonalds using octopus and Visa pay wave. (3) Networked Computer s ystem: Linking individual computers to create an organizational network for communication and information sharing.They are using e-mail, instant messaging, Voice-mail to dealing with online delivery business, Fax machines to receive order confirm from food supplier. Electronic Data Exchange (EDI). Teleconferencing. Videoconferencing. 5. 9 Communication Communication between managers and employees provides the information necessary to get work done effectively and efficiently in organizations. Communication major functions are Control, Motivation, Emotional Expression and Information. Communication is very important part of business. Pizza Hut and McDonalds use interpersonal methods.For example: Face-to-face, Telephone, Group meetings, Formal presentation, Memos, Traditional Mail, Fax machines, Audio-and videotapes, Daily briefing, Hotline, E-mail, Voice mail and Teleconference to communicate with employee. Face to face, telephone and Memos are basic tools to connect employee and man agement. But about the organization contact restaurant, they are use daily briefing, E-mail to update information about organization. 5 Conclusion Through identifying and analyzing the following: motivation, leadership, human resource management, culture and diversity, information technology, communication. I found that:For the organization structure, the difference of these companies is Hong Kong McDonalds was implemented area division models for global company structure. On the other hand, Pizza Hut just implemented hierarchy and functional Division. For the approaches to management & Organizational behaviour, about the motivation, McDonald’s hourly salaries have been low for long. Yet, ever since Hong Kong Government has implemented the minimum wage, the corporate has no choice but to increase salaries of the workers. On the contrary, the average hourly wages of Pizza Hut workers are relatively higher than McDonalds.About the Leadership, Human Resources Management, Informa tion technology and communication, Since Pizza Hut and McDonalds are the same industry in food service restaurant, which means their organizational behaviour always the same. But about the diversity, McDonalds is better than Pizza Hut, it is because McDonalds hire people not because of the people physical abilities and quality. If Pizza Hut and McDonalds can solve above problem, they can improve their business more.